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photo du blog DoyoumindifIknit |
A 8h, juste nos fenêtres, un orchestre de jazz s'est mis a jouer, beaucoup trop fort, Capucine est partie se cacher dans la salle de bain. Malgré tout, et c'est là la preuve que tout va mieux, je me suis installée sur le balcon avec un verre de Merlot et une cigarette. Pierre, qui travaille au restaurant d'en bas m'a fait des signes de coucou (ma vieille voisine dit que c'est un grand couillon), et j'ai commencé à respirer à nouveau. Eh, je crois que ça va mieux, la vie est belle.
Well, this morning, the middle finger on my right hand (ah ah), covered with eczema and completely stiff, is doing better. Then, at twelve, when I asked Andrew to go get me a dark chocolate ice cream at the parlor just below, because I was having one of these cravings for dark chocolate, and he came back with a bitter lemon ice cream, I stay calm, threw the ice cream in a bowl and the cone in the trash can and with poise ate the damn thing. I sang a song to Capucine who was refusing to eat, completely uninspired, but yet to the tune of the Marseillaise “come on Capu eat your pelèèèèètes” she ate everything. She was quite amused. While I have been quite lazy this last week, I decided to work on one of our studios , and get busy. Passing in front of the little desk, my nice summer dress got caught and ripped on the metal corner. Mind you, for the first time in days, I laughed. My right tush now in the open, I saluted my upstairs neighbor and went to the studio. I called Andrew to help me, he left for three hours, God knows why, to buy a new portable air-conditioner. During this time, I looked at beautiful pictures on the internet - decoration pictures, my favorite. At 8pm, a jazz band started to play under our windows, the volume way to high; Capucine who loves music normally, went and hid in the bathroom. Not one to be deterred, I took a glass of Merlot and a cigarette and sat on the balcony. Pierre, who works at the restaurant across the street (“this F...idiot” as a neighbor calls him), waved at me and I started to breathe again. Hey, I'm back, life is good.
Voilà qui fait plaisir.
RépondreSupprimerI had to ask Hank what was so funny when he burst out in laughter - not once - but many times. Then I read it and couldn't stop smiling and picturing you doing all these things. So glad you are feeling better. xo